Basic Pool Information


It is extremely important that the water level in your pool be kept at the appropriate level year-round. Letting the water level get too low can cause your liner to float, which is a costly repair. We recommend keeping the water level about an inch from the top of the skimmer opening. Never drain water from the pool in anticipation of a large rain storm, during a rain storm, or within 24 hours after a rain storm. This can also cause your liner to float. It is better to let your water level get too high/overflow and drain pool back to normal operating level after the ground has dried up.


You should keep your pool clean from debris; floating debris could potentially lead to a torn liner, while debris that sinks to the bottom such as leaves could stain your liner if left for an extended period of time. View to A to Z Guide for more information about how to vacuum your pool.


We suggest having your water regularly tested at a pool supply store to make sure your water chemistry is appropriately balanced. Inground Pool Design, Inc. does not sell chemicals; pools stores are able to recommend the appropriate products based on your water sample. You may also refer to the user manuals for your equipment for suggested chemical levels.


If you have a salt system, please keep your salt level at 2800-3200ppm. Never add more than 2 bags of salt within a 24 hour period. If it does not increase by 200ppm within 24 hours, there may be an issue. Keep an eye on the display of your salt system panel; it will display and error messages or reminders. The A to Z Guide has more information.